While not having to worry about classes and finals was a great change of pace, my break was definitely not spent soaking up rays at a breach down South! Instead it was spent working, cleaning, and making a trip to the hospital... crazy huh?
The first few days I was able to spend with my grandpa, aka "Gramps." (He's everyones grandpa!) He is always full of wise cracks and Red Neck Jokes, but lately he has really slowed down. He cannot get around very well, but his mind is sharp and at the age of 86 I think that is pretty good! Since he can't do everything he used to, I was recruited to do his spring cleaning. I spent two days vaccuming, washing down walls, cupboards, and the kitchen floor, but it was deffinately worth it! My grandpa told everyone who walked in his house that they, "better put on some sun glasses with it so sparkling clean in here!"
After my cleaning spree I worked a few days at our local Dash's Market! Fun huh? While it deffinatley didn't compare to the feeling of sand between your toes at the beach, it helped pay for those dreadful books this term.
Towards the end of break, after I was able to relax a few days and sleep a day or two away, the choas returned. My boyfriend was sent to the emergency room during a visit with his family physician. He had not been feeling well, and after meeting for a sick appointment, the doctor sent him immediately to the hospital with High sugar levels and sever dehydration. While a person with normal blood glucose levels are around 70 and 150, his was at 700, which could have easily put him in a diabetic comma. Through all of this, and three days in the hospital, we soon learned that he has Type 1 Diabetes. A rare case for a young healthy athlete. Fortunately it is something that can be controlled and although it is a huge lifestyle change and shock, he is taking it well. We all realize it could be a lot worse.
As you can see my vacation was anything but ordinary but I am happy to have things back in order. Who knows, maybe a tropical vacation will come my way next year!?